Saturday, March 17, 2012

Is spring really here?

The past week we've experienced some unusual weather in New York. It has been very warm, almost hot on some days. It was 70 degrees this past Wednesday! In March it's mostly cold and having some snow would be common. Last year at this time, we still had snow covering most of the streets and making it a difficult commute to work and/or school. On average March has a temperature of around 45 degrees. March is mostly cold and sometimes the most brutal month of winter. We had a few flurries of snow about a month ago and no real cold weather. We had more snow on Halloween than we did during the typical snowy months of the year. This has been a very warm winter and I'm unsure if the winter was actually here. Will we have snow in June or did we just luck out and have an amazing winter? Hopefully the second thought is the correct statement, if not just remember that you saw it here first!

Word Bank
Experienced -Take note of something that happened
Unusual - Something that does not occur everyday
Common - Something that happens a lot
Commute - The travel (by car, bus, train etc.) to get somewhere
Average - The middle of two or more items
Brutal - Very tough or harsh
Flurries - Snowing but very little snowflakes
Typical - Something that can happen everyday
Statement - A comment

Using the word bank listed above, fill in the sentences with the correct word.
It is ____________ for boys to grow one or two inches over the summer.
It is ____________ for boys to grow one or two feet over the summer.
I wake up at 7 for a _______ day of work.
Since it takes me two hours to drive to work, I must leave enough time for my ___________.
I have been lucky enough to have ___________ many great moments in my life. 
Although I've driven to work in one hour and 45 minutes, on ________ it will take two hours.
A snowstorm may cause work to be cancelled but snow ________ can cause a longer commute.
I disagree with the Mayor's _________ about having a curfew.
Some places of the world have ________ temperatures where it can be over 100 degrees during the day and under 30 degrees at night. 

Vocabulary Exercise: 
Some of the words listed above have similar meanings, but if you use the wrong word in a sentence it won't make sense. Below are nine sentences with the wrong vocabulary being used. Can you change the word to make it a correct sentence? Good luck!

On commute, the education field has more females than males.
The snow common was making it hard to see out the window.
As I was on my daily typical, there was more traffic than normal.
The snow was coming down in an flurries way because it was snowing sideways.
The baseball player had a batting experience of .324 in the 2011 season.
The unusual temperature in a New York winter is probably around 35 degrees.

The statement college student takes five years to graduate a four year college in America.
That is not an average statement, it actually takes students a year longer to graduate.
On brutal, students change their major at least once which causes them to be in school longer.

 Free writing activity
We are having great weather in New York in March. In one paragraph, describe the weather in your hometown. Are you having a regular winter or is it very warm or very cold? Explain the usual weather for your town at this time.

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